The following are the XP awards granted for the closure of the fourth campaign arc:
- Delivering news of Corin Redbeard to the Undercity - 2,500
- Duel with Rale Cotchen - 1,000
- Accepting Milter to Dagger's Deep - 500
- Goblins in the forest - 100
- Successfully boarding Moonmaiden - 1,000
- Navigating the ruins of Illusk and breaching the Sea of Swords - 15,000
- Payment received from Dame Azurris - 1,200
This amounts to 21,300 points, with full shares of 7,100 to each of Audric and Zeb, and half-shares of 3,550 to Lom and Selben. Zargon, having fallen in combat, reaps no final reward for his contributions. Updated party totals:
- Audric - 26,789
- Zeb - 3,000/47,972
- Selben (h) - 14,651
- Lom (h) - 6,442
The only level gained belongs to Lom, who advances from 2nd to 3rd. Training can be assumed to be conducted immediately upon reaching port in Fireshear. It can also be assumed that payment of 1,200 gold is issued to the party upon arrival, in the form of platinum coin rolls.