Wednesday, September 9, 2020

XP awards for sessions 40-43

Four sessions into the fifth campaign arc, XP awards are due. Party allotment:

  • Slaying Berigaard, his minions, and plundering his treasure - 10,000
  • Opening the traveler's chamber - 5,000
  • Disengaging from Sinjun's party - 1,000

These 16,000 points are divided into full shares (3,200 XP) for each PC and Bonie, and half shares (1,600 XP) for Lom and Selben. 

There's also the matter of the displacer beasts, which needs to be handled separately (thanks, Sean), since Lom was being played as a PC and certain party members were not present. For this encounter, Lom, Vonn, and Zeb each receive 488 XP (this also accounts for shares deducted for Sinjun's party). Finally, Zeb's 10% prime requisite bonus is also reflected in the updated party totals below:

  • Vonn - 8,688
  • Audric - 29,989
  • Zeb - 3,000/52,029
  • Selben (h) - 16,251
  • Lom (h) - 8,530
No new are levels gained from these awards, but Lom inches precariously close to 4th, at which point he'll be only a level behind Audric.

Tuesday, September 8, 2020

Trail's End

Bellok watched from a slumped position, three steps up the stairwell of Fort Nechar's west tower, as the ogre raised its spiked club overhead and swatted Dabria to the stone floor in a spattering of entrails. The mercenary could barely lift his head, and noticed for the first time since being revived by the priestess that his left leg was completely numb. Pain coursed through the rest of his body, his armor and underclothes soaked in blood, though the worst of his injuries had been mended by the will of Kelemvor enough to stem the flow.

Moments earlier, Dabria had been dragging him up the spiral staircase when the second of his men fell to a pair of ogres at its foot, leaving Sinjun surrounded and already severely wounded. The creatures had come forth from the wilderness, over the keep's south wall, encircling the courtyard as Sinjun's party loosed arrow and blade, making a bold stand while filing themselves into the inner stronghold.

It almost worked. After all were inside, the ogres breached the door, pushing their way through to the degree that the entryway would allow and wading through bowfire from Bellok, Faolan, and Sinjun whilst Bellok's men assailed the creatures still outside from atop the towers. A grim melee ensued within, ere Bellok's mind was swallowed in darkness.

He came to to the ringing of steel against stone as Dabria attempted to hoist his armored body up the stairs. He watched as Sinjun felled an ogre, cleaving its torso nearly in twain before suffering a gruesome strike from its ally, causing Dabria to leap forth, swinging her mace like a woman possessed.

The second ogre went down at the hands of Kelemvor's servant, but two others battled Faolan for control of the east tower. Bellok's remaining men descended to his aid but were quickly dispatched by the ogres' mighty bludgeons. Sinjun charged forward and, in a haze, Bellok saw Faolan's body crushed into the wall. Suddenly, Dabria had joined Sinjin. Two ogres became one. Sinjun fell, and Dabria screamed. The last remaining ogre raised its club...

Bellok rallied his strength and willed himself up another step, then another, as he heard the ogre below feasting on flesh. He reached the top of the staircase, finding himself mere feet from the upper chamber's window overlooking the courtyard. More ogres patrolled outside. Even if his body was in any condition to attempt to climb out and down the keep's outer wall, he would be spotted, killed, and eaten. Escape was futile.

He collapsed into a seated position on the floor, his armor skidding against the wall as adrenaline gave way to resignation. He'd never have chosen to be last to die.

Bellok silently wondered if the ogres would sniff him out. Perhaps they would consume their fill of his allies and take their leave of the place. With a little luck, Bellok could wait things out and recover enough to chance a venture back to Hundelstone, or Fireshear. Fireshear...

As if in answer to his unspoken question, Bellok heard the guttural snarls of a large creature forcing its way up the undersized stairwell. The stench of blood mixed with rotten flesh preceded a fog of moist breath that warmed the chill night air.

He eyed the window, thinking to rise and jump out, but the ogre was already upon him. 

* * *

Zeb awoke to the jostling of the party's quarters aboard Moonmaiden, as unseen ocean waves caromed against the ship's hull. Bellok's dying perspective was burned into his consciousness and he felt a deep, intimate connection to his god, tasting the iron tang of blood in his mouth.

Malar was pleased.