Friday, July 9, 2021

#45: To The Victors

A brief patrol of the camp does little to ease my ill temper.  Upon return, I find the others gathered around the remnants of last evening’s fire, and we enter a discussion about our course of action. 

Vonn makes his position known that he intends to use this as an opportunity to retire from a life of adventuring—he intends to live off the proceeds from the mine and shows little interest in exploring the chasm or the origin of our demonic foe.  He was contracted to oversee construction of the bridge and removal of any evident threat, and that accomplished, he considers his service to Revenant complete.  Vonn expresses his desire for a life of seclusion and study.  It is hard to argue with him, though leaving the chasm unexplored does not sit well with me.  He commits to guarding the camp for the remainder of our stay.

Audric, for his part, wants the bridge constructed safely first before pursuing any further conversation about the chasm.  Before we can discuss it further, we are interrupted by one of the dwarven guards.  “When do we go back in?” he asks gruffly, “so that Clanden will not have fallen in vain?”

“Right now,” Audric states, pulling himself to his feet, and the dwarf seems to appreciate the response and call for action.  The dwarf introduces himself as Nerrick, and confirms that the engineers are ready, so we do not delay.

Tirynia, one the female engineer, steps forward to volunteer herself for the critical first task of securing the remnants of the bridge, and we elect to assist her magically as we did Clanden.  We leave the Tunterhorns to guard the camp, joined by Vonn and Smedlock, another of the dwarven guards accompanying the crew.  I impart one additional protection on Tirynia: a ward similar to that which protected us during the battle with the demon that should hopefully prevent a fate similar to Clanden’s should we find our position besieged once again.

To their credit, the engineers are eager to conduct their duties and seem to pay little regard to the Clanden’s loss or to the danger that could possibly be involved with today’s mission.  They are orderly and professional, so we do our best to protect them in their endeavors.   There’s a palpable moment of fear as we watch Tirynia pull herself towards the middle of the chasm across the single remaining rope, bolstered by what magical assistance we can provide.  I work through a divination, this time focusing on the depths of the chasm, knowing that Clanden’s death could have been avoided had we been more alert of our surroundings and potential threats, but detect nothing untoward.

The first tense minutes pass without incidence, and by the time our spells begin to fade, Tirynia seems well into her task and we release a heavy sigh of relief.  Vicus runs for supplies that are fed through the shaft, and when Tirynia is finally done with her work, she returns with sweat dripping from her brow.  The bridge has been successfully stabilized, and with the sun now high in the sky, we break for a midday meal.

The engineers feel that by the end of this first day, should all go well, they may be able to get someone safely across to the other side of the cavern.  We contemplate setting a guard on the opposite side of the bridge, but until the bridge is complete enough to support multiple people crossing at a time, splitting the group seems rash, so we decide to continue along the conservative route of watching over the construction from the ledge nearest the shaft.

As the engineers progress in their work, we interact with the dwarven guard Nerrick, who has taken post beside us in the cavern.  Nerrick has a history of working mines and other construction projects, seeming to be an axe for hire.  He reveals that he’s from the Undercity of Mirabar originally, and Audric and I cast wary looks at one another.  Fortunately, it seems as if his family ties are weak, the likelihood of any connection between Nerrick and anyone we may know small.  We decide not to relate our experiences in the Undercity and leave it at that.

“After I saw what happened to Clanden, I wanted to do more to serve the lord Moradin, and better protect those that pay me to do so.”  He explains the impact that Clanden’s death had on him and reveals it as the reason that he stepped forward to join us in our vigil.  “I’d like to put my axe to better use.”   He composes himself as a classic Frozenfar warrior whose axe bears the notches of many battles, and we are glad for his company.

Work is completed late in the day and the engineers and laborers collapse into their bedrolls.  The rest of us oversee the camp throughout the night, granting them the ability to rest and regain their strength.  Bonie lets me know that she has no desire to share a watch with Nerrick; I raise an eyebrow questioningly, but she waves me off.  We split up into watches, much as we have done before, and the night passes uneventfully.

We are greeted the following morning by the welcome warmth of the sun in the clear sky, but it does not last long—clouds roll in and gather, and a chill rain makes any time outside the cavern a cold and uncomfortable experience.

With the bridge repair proceeding rapidly, Nerrick, Audric and I decide to explore the base of the chasm.  Rope is in ample supply, so we tie together three lines so that we can rappel down the cliffside simultaneously—ropes will be secured above and watched over by Bonie, Lom and Selben as we descend.  I layer magical protection against any potential threat.

Audric and I are able to manipulate the rappelling lines without a problem, but Nerrick seems unaccustomed to being off his feet and can do little more than dangle helplessly, unable to navigate the descent.  Selben steps forward when called, casting a spell upon Nerrick to make it possible for him to nimbly scale the cliffside, much as Selben had done days before.

Blackness overtakes us as flickering light from the torches above fades.  Nerrick, by virtue of his heritage, alerts us that he can see the bottom of the chasm floor and that it ends in a body of water below.  He also sees an opening across the way—an opening of thirty to forty feet in diameter, seeming to be a cave entrance.  The ropes drop into a pool at the base of the chasm, and investigating it, I find the water too deep to stand—some sort of underground lake or pool.  Knowing that Nerrick’s time under Selben’s enchantment is short, we decide to retrace our steps and clamber back up the chasm wall, Nerrick beating us in our ascent handily by virtue of Selben’s craft.

We cross the chasm using the bridge—the engineers seem pleased that it passes this test of sturdiness.  We decide to descend from the other side, this time with me leading the way.  I proceed into the black with magical detections and protections in place, using my feet to feel along the chasm wall until I find the opening and calling out to the others when I do.

I trust in my magical protections and drop to the cave entrance— the ground is wet and slick.  My boots land in the muck, but I catch myself and avoid falling to the ground.  My divinations reveal that there are four concealed beings in the cave lurking against the walls in the darkness ahead, the closest fifty feet from the entrance, the furthest perhaps a hundred.  I conjure forth a globe of light behind the nearest of the unknown creatures, and the cave bursts into blinding illumination, the dark suddenly and completely dispelled. 

A humanoid figure is revealed—its flesh deteriorated to sinew, bits of tendon and muscle, its eye sockets black and empty.  It stands with a hunch, and as soon as my light bursts forth from behind it, the creature stands and begins to shamble towards me, pinpoints of red light beginning to gleam from its empty eye sockets.  I am frozen in place for a moment but manage to shake off the surprise and grab for the rope, calling to be hoisted up.  My feet slip as I ascend in a panic, but eventually I find my footholds and, assisted by the others above me, reach the safety of the ledge.

Evaluating our options, Nerrick decides to remove his armor so that he can more readily attempt the descent under his own power.  He and I hoist Audric down first—the Mystran warrior’s intention is to conjure a group of foes for the creature below to deal with, or to ascertain if indeed the threat still lurks within the cave entrance.  He manages to find firm footholds and, supported by the rope to free his hands, conjures forth his minions.

Audric is greeted by the sound of myriad flapping bats whose screeches echo throughout the cavern—but the sounds are quickly stifled, and nothing answers Audric’s call to return.  Whatever lurks below, it slaughtered the conjured minions quickly.  We pull Audric back to the ledge, and not wanting to submit the engineers to any risk, decide to call an end to operations for the day.  We enlist the aid of the engineers to effectively barricade the tunnel and split up for watches—this time with the knowledge that a threat resides in the chasm.  Knowing nothing more of the caves, or any alternate exits that the creatures may have access to, our rest is uneasy.

Partway through the night, the silence disturbed by the sounds of screams from outside.  An alarm is sounded by the evening watch, and in the sudden scramble of being awakened in the middle of the night, the members of the camp are assaulted by spears from multiple angles.  Vonn is pierced by a thrown javelin, falling backwards as he grasps its shaft, and Vicus and Tirynia are felled by the missiles.  Lom and Bonie can see nothing clearly enough to find targets in the dark, cursing in frustration as they are forced to watch the assault below.

Selben retreats from the area illuminated by the bonfire, taking cover behind a nearby minecart.  Bonie and Lom hold arrows to their cheeks, waiting for targets and clearly torn by their inability to provide more effective protection.  A pack of vicious goblins overruns the camp, hurling more javelins and spears as they approach. 

The Tunterhorns raise weapon and shield in defense.  Nearly a dozen goblin forms are visible in the shadows cast by the bonfire.  Arcon and Raganok deflect several missiles with their shields but are unable to ward off all, bearing the brunt of the goblins’ attacks, each pierced by several shafts.  Selben manages to evade harm and find words and gestures to power a spell upon his lips.  The Tunterhorns return strikes as the goblins charge, flailing at their enemy wildly and felling one of the creatures.  Vonn unleashes a spell in the night, but it’s unclear what effect it may have had.  Another pair of goblins fall to the remaining members of Clanden’s crew and the Tunterhorn brothers. 

The goblins continue their assault as Bonie levels her bow, ready to loose arrows into the melee.  Audric struggles to climb down but finds trouble manipulating the ropes in the panic while Nerrick uses a rope to quickly descend, landing heavily on the dirt below.  A furious melee ensues with blows traded on both sides.

Suddenly, all but two of the remaining goblins collapse, Selben standing from cover to weave an enchantment.  I unleash one of my own, freezing in place those that did not succumb to Selben’s spell.  The Tunterhorns seize the moment and begin hacking away at their foes, Smedlock at their side, slaughtering the sleeping and held goblins.   Bonie and Lom look to the wounded to staunch bleeding and bind wounds—they manage to catch Tirynia just before death.  Vicus was mortally wounded as well, but any loss of life is prevented as Audric bends down to administer magical healing.

After our triage of the situation is complete, additional guards are posted throughout the night, and when morning comes, we turn once again to the wounded, discussing plans as best we can with Vicus and Tirynia.  Another full day of work is required with a complete crew in order to finish repairs on the bridge.  Audric intends to complete the magical healing that he started, and I commit to helping to the extent I’m able.  We decide to delay our return expedition into the cave below and see to the care of our wounded.  A roaring fire is built to allow those that need it to get the warmth and rest they need.

A few coins and other valuables are recovered from the fallen goblins as we pile their bodies into a shallow pit, the capable among us heaping rocks atop them.  We consider ourselves fortunate that all survived the attack, and the spirits of the engineers and others in the camp seem high despite the danger.  Audric works well into the night completing his ministrations to those wounded in preparation of tomorrow’s work.  We decide to leave the tools below and bring the most valuable commodity we have—the lives of the engineers—into the tunnels where we can more directly watch over them.  The mule is left below, but we are fortunate and the night passes without further incidence.

The following morning, we are greeted by a moderate and growing wind, the temperature dropping severely.  This makes us feel better about our decision to move everyone into the cave where we can keep fires burning to keep everyone warm, and where all are protected from the cutting wind.  With the intention of completing repairs on the bridge, we remove the barricade and climb through the shaft once again.  I conjure light ahead of me but see no threat, so Nerrick and Audric follow as we investigate for signs of danger.  Audric crosses the bridge safely, inspecting it against any damage that may have occurred, but finds nothing.  We bring the engineering crew in to continue their work.

Peering into the black below, I focus my magical senses to where I know the cave entrance to be and feel a sense of evil emanating from the fell opening.  It’s almost as if the creatures haven’t moved for days, lurking silently and stilly near the cave entrance.  We turn our discussion towards ridding the cave of the unnatural threat.

As we split the group and begin to make magical preparations, Lom steps forward, offering Nerrick his enchanted axe.  Having encountered undead before, it is known that mundane weapons are sometimes of little or no use—a mighty gift indeed.  “Just make sure I get it back,” Lom imparts.

Several minutes are spent layering what protections I can bring to bear on myself and others in preparation for our descent and likely melee.  When we eventually drop down, we find our foe much as we expect to, standing silently in the tunnel entrance.  With a globe of light emanating from my own enchanted weapon, we clamber along the ceiling of the cave—once again, Selben’s craft has proven useful indeed.  The creatures twitch and are quick to track our movements, moving swiftly to match our progress into the cave.  Once again trusting in my protections, I drop to the cave floor to attract their attention, buying time for Audric and Nerrick to descend and prepare for combat.

The creatures race towards me with hissing maws and raking claws but are shunted away by my abjurations.  My heart beats in my chest as I stand and face them, the creatures content to wait in lifeless silence as my allies prepare for assault.

A wave of nausea overwhelms us as two other creatures approach, the cave’s air thick and stifling.  While we seize the initiative, none of us are able to land effective strikes.  Nerrick and I fend off attacks, though Audric is scratched by one of the creatures and is nearly overcome by wracking paralysis before managing to shake it off.  The true danger of our foes lies not in their claws and fangs, but in their ability to steal our freedom of movement.

I spare a moment during the melee to gesture towards the cave entrance and the water beyond, asking if perhaps retreat is the better course of action.  Audric and Nerrick both shake their heads, seeming eager to put an end to this threat.

Unfortunately, the tides of battle do not turn in our favor.

We are assaulted by claws which seem to come from all angles.  Both Nerrick and Audric manage to avoid succumbing to paralysis after being struck, Audric managing to stand strong despite several landed attacks.  Another of the creatures tears into me, rending my magical protections and flesh, though an abjuration yet remains that protects me from the paralyzing effect of its claws.

Sensing a need for allies, Audric withdraws from the melee to conjure forth minions, though not before receiving yet another attack from the creatures and shaking off its effect.  Nerrick crushes into one of the undead as four small creatures appear—kobolds, each armed with tiny spears or cleavers—and they begin hacking into our enemy.  One of the undead is run through by a tiny spear, but it only snarls in response, clawing at the kobold.

All four of them are slaughtered in an instant as we each land heavy blows upon our enemy.  Our attacks are spread out in the chaos of melee, however, and we are beset by our foes relentlessly.  Audric is struck again and again, each time managing to fight off their paralyzing touch, though our own attacks are wild and ineffective, failing to effectively wound or cripple any of them.

Turning a questioning look to my comrades once again, I can see that they are overtaken with bloodlust.  Unwilling to abandon them, I raise my maul and we counter the attacks of the creatures.  Audric finds purchase, his enchanted sword cleaving one of them in twain.  His victory is but a momentary relief, however, as Audric is struck back twice in return. 

Nerrick, as well, is wounded by claw and fang… though this time, the dwarven warrior’s resilience proves unequal to the attacks, and he is overcome by paralysis.  Two of the creatures descend on Nerrick and feast upon his helpless form, one dislocating Nerrick’s shoulder as it tears mouthfuls of the dwarf’s flesh away and his blood sprays whilst the other rips into his torso.

Audric and I, overwhelmed by nausea, wounds, and now a growing sense of defeat, are unable to land return attacks of our own.  Our foes seize initiative once again, one of them nearly disemboweling me with its claws.  Bright light flashes behind my eyes as I call out a weak challenge, bringing my maul to bear on the creature.  It is but a glancing blow, however, and my vison fades to black as one of the creatures pulls me to the ground and completes its task, spilling my guts on the cave floor.

Audric, standing alone against two remaining horrors, swings his enchanted blade wildly.  The Mystran warrior conducts himself honorably against the overwhelming threat, surviving yet another blow and its crippling effect.

Outmatched, Audric is overrun by one final lunge of the creatures, his flesh torn, blood splattering the cave walls as they pull him to the ground.

We perish in an unnamed cave in an unnamed mine beneath an unnamed mountain in the wilds of the Frozenfar.

1 comment:

  1. Seeking privacy, Selben slinked away from those that would mourn his fallen master. In the immediacy of the recognition that Zeb, Audric and Nerrick would not return, there was a torrent of emotion throughout the camp—and Selben wanted nothing more than to be left alone. While others struggled to cope with their own disbelief, Selben knew. Selben knew the finality of the situation, he knew that Zeb would never return.

    Selben wandered in the darkness for several minutes before settling on a small open space in the lee of two great stones. Between them, Selben built a small fire, and once it was crackling of its own accord, he sat on a nearby rock, withdrawing Zeb’s pack from the folds of his robe.

    Selben picked at the fetishes that adorned the bag. Indeed, they had been the object of Selben’s fascination for as long as he had known Zeb. Bits of claw and feather, a dried human tongue, religious tokens of those that fell in battle to Zeb’s wrath. Zeb was nothing if not sentimental.

    He didn’t speak to others much—indeed, they avoided him purposely—but Selben noticed things. Of particular importance this night, of all nights, Selben noticed that Zeb had stopped wearing his symbol to Malar, the crude bit of horn that had been carved into the shape of a claw. Curiosity over this outweighed all other sense of emotion for Selben, even the sudden emptiness caused by the realization that he would never again share a campfire with his master, his friend, Zeb.

    Selben raised the flap of the bag, discarding several items of little meaning, instead digging for the hidden token to Malar. He found it, hidden within a stitched compartment within the bag, and when Selben withdrew it, he noticed that he was in fact holding two items.

    The first was the Malaran symbol. The second, curiously, was a crudely-carved disk of wood. Holding it to the firelight, Selben examined it, his mouth tightening as he recognized the symbol. For indeed, Selben had seen another like it several months ago.

    It was a wooden symbol carved into the likeness of a lion’s head—a symbol to Nobanion, the “King of Beasts.” A similar token had belonged to the fool Maglarosh, druid of the Khedrun Valley—a symbol that represented the Firemane’s values of community, compassion and dignity. Selben sat for several long moments, his face unreadable, staring at the symbol against the backdrop of his small fire.

    His eyes raised as he heard the snap of a branch, and from behind one of the stones appeared Bonie. She stumbled into he firelight, her face a portrait of grief. She seemed surprised to encounter Selben, as if totally unaware of her surroundings, though recognized Zeb’s bag immediately. She leveled a questioning gaze at the young wizard, taking notice of the token he held in his hands.

    “What’s that?” she asked, bending over to examine the wooden disc.

    “This?” Selben said, holding it in his hand. “Nothing. Nothing important, in any case.” Selben tossed it into the nearby fire, paused for a moment to watch it ignite, and then returned his gaze to Bonie.

    “Here, you should have this,” Selben said, holding forth Zeb’s bag, and the symbol of Malar cupped in his hand. “He’d want you to have this.”

    Without waiting for a reply, Selben turns his back on Bonie, leaving her alone to bear her grief.


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