Male human fighter, born to a soldier of Windless' militia
Male dragon-blooded war priest of Kord, stands seven feet tall and hails from Impiltur
Azeikiel Sunstreamer ("Zeek")
Male half-elf ranger/priest of Mielikki and friend to Adwyn Elmshadow
A halfling mage-in-training who traveled to Bloodstone Valley to establish her career as a wizardess
Rorovan Daleamber
The third lord of Windless, a gray-haired but strong-willed veteran of more than fifty winters
Adwyn Elmshadow
A notable ranger of Windless who reports to Lord Daleamber
A seamstress and the young sister of one of Windless' felled hunters
Calehan Longstrider
A strong-hearted young man loyal to Ilmater, and captain of Windless' militia
A ranking militia man of Windless and friend to Dravin
A young, blond-haired militia officer, second in command to Captain Longstrider
A paladin of Ilmater who died defending Frostmar Keep, now said to be a ghost
Aazen Stormrider
Ranger and self-proclaimed explorer of the Underdark from Vaasa
Chieftain of the Burning Hand orc tribe, has a black, withered right hand that seems to bear fiery powers
King of Damara, paladin of Ilmater, and charter member of the adventuring band that slew Zhengyi, the witch-king